Kaleidoscope 2023: Celebrity Marriage Romance Colors
Tiko - BCL (Instagram @itsmebcl)

JAKARTA - Marriage is a new chapter in a relationship that every couple dreams of. No exception for celebrities who are used to living in the spotlight of camera lights.

After the pandemic ended, celebrities tried to make their dream marriage a reality. It is known, during a pandemic, people are not allowed to hold events to crowd so that moments such as weddings must be limited to the number of guests.

At least, there are 17 couples who get married in 2023. VOI has summarized the interesting and happy beginnings of the partners below:

After getting married, Kiky Saputri got happiness by marrying M. Khairi on January 28, 2023. The wedding took place luxuriously because it was held in one of the major venues in Jakarta. A number of comedian colleagues to actors such as Vino G. Bastian attended Kiky's beautiful moment.

On the same date, Mikha Tambayong and Deva Mahenra married in Bali. This marriage is in the spotlight because Micah and Deva adhere to different religions, even so the two don't seem to want to talk about this. Their marriage was held privately and Micah wore a dress belonging to his late mother.

Shinta Bachir officially married Indra Kristianto on March 12. Their brief introduction actually breaks Shinta's heart to go straight to the next level. However, in a short time, Shinta also sued and summoned her husband, precisely in July for certain reasons.

The artist couple Laura Theux and Indra Brotolaras married Balinese custom on March 23. Interestingly, the two decided to get married after being friends. Indra expressed his desire to have a serious relationship and this was approved by Laura. Now, Laura is pregnant with her first child with Indra.

Jessica Mila and Yakub Hasibuan officially married on April 5 in Rawamangun, East Jakarta with Batak customs. Apart from Jakarta, Jessica Mila also held a wedding in Bali with an outdoor concept. Their wedding was held in a luxurious manner and invited Sheila on 7. Duta cs also sang the Secret Service where the music video stars Jessica Mila. Like Laura, Mila is also pregnant with her first child.

Shortly after Jessica Mila, it turned out that her best friend, Enzy Storia, also inaugurated her marriage to Maulana Kasetra on May 20. This relationship is in the spotlight considering that so far Enzy has not talked much about her relationship with her lover. After getting married, Enzy joined Maulana or Molen to settle in the United States.

Another couple who escaped the news were Adinia Wirasti and Michael Wahr. They got married on June 9, 2023 in Bali and were held in an intimate manner. A number of celebrity and filmmakers came to attend their wedding. However, Adinia revealed that she and Michael had been married since a month earlier in Melbourne, Australia.

Denny Caknan and Bella Bonita's marriage can be called impromptu. They got married on July 7 in Madiun and held a limited event. They registered the administration three weeks before the wedding. Denny's party explained that the process towards marriage was fast because Denny Caknan had a very busy gig schedule. Currently, Bella Bonita is pregnant with their first child.

Tina Toon also shocked the public when she uploaded her wedding photos last July. She revealed that this marriage had been held in June but she only wanted to share her photo a month later. Her wedding was only attended by Tina's core family and her husband, Daniel.

Two years of widowhood, Tyas Mirasih found Tengku Tezi as a mooring of the heart on August 21, 2023 in Depok. The two met on set for the film Marley and experienced love location. This caused the two of them to be suspected of having an affair with each other, but it turned out that they were in a relationship after they divorced from their partner.

In a long-distance relationship with Ethan for 6 years, Dewi Rezer and her husband married and decided to live in Indonesia. The intimate wedding was held on July 11, 2023 in Toronto, Canada. They plan to hold a reception in Indonesia in 2024.

Pamela Bowie married Armand Gunawan on September 8, 2023 in Bali. Never spit out his relationship, Pamela held her wedding reception attended by friends and family.

Arhan Pratama and Azizah Salsa's marriage is arguably the most discussed marriage. Arhan as a footballer whose career was skyrocketing to choose to marry Azizah Salsa on August 20, 2023 in Japan. Both of them were highlighted especially because they were 21 and 20 years old.

Know three weeks, Hana Hanifah is determined to marry Randy on Friday, September 8 with Sundanese customs. The two of them became acquainted through social media. However, within a month, Hana sued her husband because of Randy's attitude which was considered disrespectful. Hana also did not include Gono-gini because Randy never gave her a living during her marriage.

The Hanggini and Luthfi Aulia couple surprised the public with their marriage on December 2 in Jakarta. Had broken up, the two got back together and started dating again. Hanggini and Luthfi held a private reception and it was revealed that they used pseudonyms when ordering several wedding knick-knacks.

Another thing that was highlighted was the marriage of Bunga Citra Lestari (BCL) and Tiko Aryawardhana on December 2. Four years after being left by the late Ashraf Sinclair, BCL found her smile again through Tiko. Their relationship has been closed but has been widely discussed by the public because netizens regret that BCL remarried. However, neither BCL nor Tiko ignored the conversation because their relationship was supported by all parties, including the family of the late Ashraf.

After five years of relationship, Adiba and Egy committed to being serious until marriage on December 10, 2023. Before getting married, Adiba's mother - Ummi Pipik did not cover up the fact that they were preparing for the wedding. The big day took place luxuriously where Abidzar, Adiba's younger brother became the guardian of marriage.

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