Kaleidoscope 2023, These Are 5 Healthy Habits That Are Starting To Become A Lifestyle
Illustration of healthy habits and lifestyles that are popular in 2023 (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA Daily habits change as the dynamics of the times. In modern times, almost everyone holds a device and can easily get information using a keyword list on search engines. More significantly, toxic productivity, also often makes it easy for mental health. Launching a number of sources, here are healthy habits that began to become a modern and popular lifestyle in 2023.

Canal with slow lifestyle or slow living, considered a life full of attention, meaningful, and free from unsatisfactory busyness. Someone who follows this trend intentionally uses time and resources effectively. For the perpetrators of slow living, they are aware of the time spent on technology devices. Launching Exploding Topics, Friday, December 8, the hashtag slowlife has nearly 5.5 also posts on Instagram and 555 million views on TikTok.

Some lifestyles that refer to this hashtag, may only focus on prioritizing family before working. While others are more likely to build life around self-sufficiency. Such as planting vegetables for consumption to producing their own produce into everyday food. This slow lifestyle also marks people who are active but not in a hurry. They spend time connected to nature and find joy in everyday life.

Diet may be painful for someone. Therefore, many people are starting to realize the body's needs so they don't undergo a strict diet but rather undergo a flexible but measurable diet.

Launching the Cleveland Clinic, dietistULide Pedart, MHSc., BASc., RD., to some extent, the movement of body positivity and greater self-acceptance is a good thing. Petart confirmed, instead of targeting certain numbers on scales, it is better to add more vegetables to the diet, reduce eating sweet desserts, or start walking 10 minutes a day.

Theoretically, most people agree that self-care is important. Taking care of yourself has become the key to culture, according to psychologist Grace Tworek, PsyD. The concept of self-care being undertaken does not only refer to the big concept. But many people feel happy and satisfied in living with simple things, such as climbing mountains or enjoying cool natural air.

With relaxation, meditation, hypnosis and self-hypnosis training, and breathing exercises, a person has undergone techniques to overcome insomnia. For people with insomnia, it may require a way of dealing with it immediately. This method includes the so-called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT-I) which has proven effective in overcoming insomnia. Not using drugs, many people are increasingly aware of this healthy way of dealing with the problem.

Many beauty product manufacturers use natural ingredients. Such as K-beauty, skin care and cosmetics that come from Korea. This year, it is estimated that more skin care and makeup companies use products, materials, and strategies that do not depend on synthetic materials. Skin care is also produced to care for all skin tones and all skin types, even every type of Jelamin. For example, made from fermented rice water and bamboo extract.

The above is an explanation of healthy habits that will become a popular lifestyle in 2023. Is it included the lifestyle you are currently living?

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