In The Aftermath Of Supporting Israel, Gal Gadot Failed To Screen A Movie
Gal Gadot (Instagram/@gal_gadot)

JAKARTA - Not long ago, Wonder Woman film player Gal Gadot expressed her support for Israel. In fact, he even invited his fans to help support Israel against acts of terror from the Hamas group.

"I support Israel, you also have to do it," the Wonder Woman star captioned the image. The world cannot remain silent when this horrific act of terror occurs," he said.

Seeing this, Gal Gadot, who has a plan to screen a film entitled Bearing Witness to the October 7th Massacre or Witness to the October 7 Massacre containing Hamas attacks on Israel, reportedly failed in total.

Launching from the Instagram account @islamchannel it is known that the screening of the film has been carried out but there are no spectators from the public or celebrities who are seen present, even Gal Gadot is known to be also not watching.

Seeing this, not a few netizens finally asked Gal Gadot for a boycott because of his support for the Israeli state which is his own homeland in the Instagram comment column @islamchannel.

"Boikot Gal Gadot dan teman-teman artisnya yang mendukung genosi dan teroris internasional Israel," tulis warganet.

"Finally from a Gal Gadot. He could return to Israel and join the army," another netizen said.

"Everyone has to boycott the film. The film that will be present is Snow White. It will be released in 2025. I hope everyone will remember this," said another netizen.

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