10 Causes Of Halitosis Or Unpleasant Or Oral Smell To Kiss From Far Away
Illustration of the cause of halitosis or bad smell of mouth until it is smelled from afar (Freepik/8photo)

YOGYAKARTA Bad smell is called halitosis which can occur because bacteria in the mouth eat food residue. In addition, bad smell can be caused by many factors. Such as habits of eating, smoking, to digestive health conditions, high blood sugar, and below.

What is eaten and drunk as well as how to do it can be the cause of the smell of the mouth. Such as drinking alcohol which significantly increases the potential for halitosis. It can also be caused by eating and drinking patterns that affect dryness in the mouth, increased sulfur compounds, and poor oral hygiene.

To avoid the causes of this first smell of mouth, you can avoid eating garlic, onions, bailouts, potatoes, and other spices while or before an important event. The smell of the food may only last one or two hours. Not only comes from food, the smell of the mouth can also be experienced when the body is in a ketogenic state for those of you who are on a keto diet.

Good oral health helps prevent odor. However, not regularly cleaning the teeth and appropriately causes cavities and gum disease related to halitosis.

There are many types of drugs that can cause mouth odor, according to research, including antidepressant drugs, anti-temporal, anti-histamine, and dietary supplements. Launching Health, Tuesday, August 29, if you take these drugs may be at higher risk of developing mouth odor.

The morning breath is a normal mouth odor and occurs while you are sleeping. During sleep the saliva production slows down and this is used by germs and bacteria overcome' the mouth. The saliva helps clean the mouth and maybe the breath will smell bad as wide as possible until you brush your teeth.

Mouth breathing is associated with an unpleasant odor of mouth and some people breathe using their mouth while sleeping. According to Hadie Rifai, DDS., dentist at Cleveland Clinic, some people also breathe with their mouth breathing while exercising. It also emits unpleasant breathing due to certain conditions, such as during dehydration or in ketogenic body conditions.

Everyone has a different saliva composition. In addition, everyone also has different levels of bacteria that can affect the smell of your breath.

Smoking can cause halitosis which, according to cigarette research, can affect saliva secretion and change its quality. Saliva which plays an important role in maintaining the health and hygiene of the mouth, is also a destroyer of bacteria that causes smell of the mouth.

Midst of the throat and sinus infection can also be the cause of unpleasant odors. Viral infections, not due to bacteria, producecent mucus. In addition, some infections are also associated with certain types of bacteria that cause an unpleasant smell of breath.

Oral is a warning sign of periodontal disease or known as gum disease. This disease occurs due to infection and inflammation of the gums and bones around the tooth support.

There is also a gum tissue disease called acute ulserative ingivitis necrotikans (ANUG) diagnosed with symptoms, one of which is a foul mouth. This disease occurs less than one percent of the total population. However, inflammation of painful gum tissue can cause unpleasant mouth odors.

Orthodontic equipment, such as politics and braces, may require special care. So it is important for those of you who wear it to clean it every day, a dentist suggestion in New York City, John Grbic, DMD.. In addition, orthodontic equipment ingredients can become a place for food residue attached and can cause mouth odor if not cleaned properly.

Those are the ten causes of halitosis or unpleasant odors that can be smelled remotely. To prevent this, you can perform treatment according to the dentist's advice.

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