Venna Melinda Yakin The Decision Of Domestic Violence Ferry Irawan Becomes A Consideration In The Divorce Session
Venna Melinda (Instagram @vennamelindareal)

JAKARTA - Venna Melinda reported the progress of her divorce process with Ferry Irawan at the South Jakarta Religious Court. He said that the latest trial which took place on Thursday, May 26 was held in an e-court manner.

"If I'm not mistaken, today at the Religious Court there is an answer from Ferry, duplicate if I'm not mistaken. But it's an e-court, so I'll just follow the legal process," said Venna Melinda in Tendean, South Jakarta on Thursday, May 26.

Venna is grateful for the guilty verdict against Ferry Irawan at the Kediri District Court. That way, his intention to divorce his second husband on the grounds that domestic violence is believed to be realized.

"God willing, I will bring this (decision from the Kediri District Court) to the Religious Court. Why? Because Ferry was divorced yesterday, filing for divorce because he said I was KDRT Ferry, but what really happened, the fact was that I was the one who was KDRT. That's why the verdict came out," said Venna.

"God willing, this will be a consideration for the judges as well in the Religious Court," he continued.

Then, Verrell Bramasta's mother also denied the assumption that she had used the Ferry Irawan domestic violence case as a way to increase her electability ahead of the legislative elections in 2024.

Venna said that he was once elected to the legislative seat without any domestic violence cases. Thus, he firmly refused that what happened to him in the last five months was referred to as a step to attract voters' sympathy.

"There is nothing related to pecalegan. Because if there is a relationship with pelegan, I will probably be more excited about fighting for it. I was never excited because I was a public figure. As soon as I reported it to the police, it must have been accessed by the media. If it has been accessed by the media, who can control it? No. Because media is social control, "he said.

Furthermore, he believes that being elected or not in next year's election depends on God. Venna also reiterated that before the domestic violence case, he also invited Ferry to join the election.

"Because, however, we try, if Allah doesn't say yes, I mandate you, it's impossible. But, if this year why am I missing? Instead I invite Ferry, because I want my husband to come forward together with me," concluded Venna Melinda.

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