Get To Know Limfadenitis, Swelling Of Bening's Getah Lens As Experienced By Jessica Iskandar's Child
Jessica Iskandar Don Azaijah Jan Verhaag has Limfadenitis. (Instagram/@inijedar)

JAKARTA - Artist Jessica Iskandar was furious when her second child, Don Azaijah Jan Verhaag, experienced Limfadenitis. After receiving treatment at the hospital, Jessi's son, who was only one year old, improved.

Baby Don's illness is known to the public through uploading a video showing his baby undergoing treatment at the hospital.

"O God, heal my son Don. Hopefully he will be healthy and cheerful again. Amen. I beg you to help pray for me, friends, for Don's recovery," wrote Jessica Iskandar.

In the video, Jessia also explains that her child is affected by Limfadenitis.

Citing John Hopkins Medicine, Limfadenitis is a medical term for enlargement of one or more lymph nodes, usually due to infection. While lymph nodes themselves are filled with white blood cells that help the body fight infection.

Meanwhile, dr. Anastasiaaturah, Sp. A who practices at Mayapada Hospital Tangerang said, lymph nodes are part of the lymphatic organ which is part of our immune system to fight infection.

"In our bodies there are 600 clear vibrational glands, most of which are located in the neck and head areas, the rest are scattered on the arms, leg, chest cavity, and abdomen," said dr. Anastasia.

Under normal conditions, lymph nodes are small and hard to touch. When there is Limfadenitis, there are some symptoms that the sufferers usually feel.

"In normal children, if we can feel the lumps of the lymph nodes in the form of small bumps under moving skin, especially those located in the neck and head," said dr. Anastasia again.

"In children, the normal lymph nodes are below 10-12 mm or as big as pea," he added.

Quoted by Healthline, Limfadenitis occurs for various reasons. Any infection or virus, including the common cold, can cause lymph node swelling.

In addition, cancer can also cause inflammation of lymph nodes, including blood cancer such as leuchemicals and lymphoma. However, cancer that causes inflammation of lymph nodes is rare.

Another cause of Limfadenitis is the presence of streptokokus and stasiylococcus bacteria, but it can also be caused by viral infections such as HIV. Rare diseases including tuberculosis and fever caused by cat scratch (bartonella) can also cause Limfadenitis. Limfadenitis itself can be experienced by adults and children.

Although it seems trivial, Limfadenitis should not be allowed to continue, because it can interfere with immunity. Doctors recommend that Limfadenitis be treated immediately when they find symptoms.

The symptoms of Limfadenitis that are commonly found include lymph nodes that enlarge or cause lumps, and usually are soft but feel sick. In addition, people with Limfadenitis can also experience fever and sometimes form pus or abscess.

The lymph nodes that continue to enlarge but do not cause pain or redness actually indicate other serious disturbances, such as lymphoma (white blood cell cancer) or tuberculosis, "as quoted by Healthline.

When finding signs of Limfadenitis, the doctor advised to immediately check with health facilities. For Limfadenitis treatment, biopsy or appointment and research are generally carried out in network examples.

Limfadenitis can recover completely if there are no complications. However, full recovery time is likely to take up to weeks or months.

However, the doctor did not recommend massage in lumps around the sap area.

If treated quickly, often this disease will disappear without any adverse effects. But if not treated, complications can occur and conditions can become serious," added Healthline.

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