The Moment AHY First Meeting At The DPR, Accompanied By Ibas, Salami Mardani
Minister Of ATR/Head Of BPN Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono In DPR/PHOTO: Nailin In Saroh-VOI

JAKARTA - Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN), Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), attended a working meeting with Commission II of the DPR.

In the moment of his inaugural meeting, AHY was accompanied by his younger brother who is also the Chairman of the Democratic Faction Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono (Ibas). Ibas himself sits on Commission VI of the DPR.

AHY had time to tour to greet a member of Commission II of the DPR. One of them is a PKS politician, Mardani Ali Sera. The two of them had a chance to talk before the chairman of the Democratic Party continued their introduction to the leadership of Commission II.

Previously, AHY said today's meeting was to coordinate between the ministries he leads with Commission II of the DPR as partners.

"So I came today to fulfill the invitation for a coordinated working meeting, of course, together with friends from the Ministry of ATR/BPN," said AHY at the DPR building, Jakarta, Monday, March 25.

AHY explained that the agenda for this meeting included his introduction as one of the new ministers in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet (KIM). In addition, the meeting also discussed priority programs in 2023.

"The rest, we will convey our work programs that have been completed in 2023, because as far as I know, the last working meeting with Minister Pak Hadi Tjahtjanto was in September 2023," he explained.

"I must also report the achievements of ATR/BPN performance in 2023 as well as report what are the priorities for the Ministry of ATR BPN in 2024," continued AHY.

AHY admitted that when he first took office he filled it with walking around to understand a lot of problems, and he found a lot of land problems in society.

"It is extraordinary that the spectrum of problems in the agrarian field, land, including this spatial system. The people's issue is very wide, the issue of justice but this is also expected to be a strong foundation for Indonesia's economic growth and growth. Including presenting a good investment climate," he concluded.

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