For More Than A Month, The Case Of Alleged Abuse Of Underage Domestic Workers In Jatinegara Has Not Yet Been Determination Of A Suspect
The House Of Employers For Torture 5 Assistants Turns Out To Be A Dental Clinic In Jatinegara/ Photo: Rizky Sulistio/ VOI

The East Jakarta Metro Police is still investigating the case of a minor housemaid (PRT) who claimed to have been abused by her employer in Jatinegara, East Jakarta.

"The case is still ongoing, only the case is not abuse but exploitation of children," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Nicolas Ary Lilipaly when confirmed, Tuesday, March 19.

However, it has been more than a month since the police have not named a suspect in the case. The police admitted that they were very careful in dealing with problems involving children.

"The article related to exploitation of children must be careful in responding to it, it is not easy to apply the article only to those who accept their children (majir)," he said.

Kombes Nicolas added, apart from articles to those who accept children (to work), (investigation continues to be carried out to) parties who give children.

"Those who give children can also be involved in this matter. It is still under investigation," he said.

Previously, the Head of the Women and Children Service Unit (PPA) of the East Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Sri Yatmini, said that the results of the investigation of 5 household assistants (PRT) suspected of being abused by employers in the Jatinegara area, found no signs of violence.

"There is no violence. Those who say there is no ironing," said Head of PPA East Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Sri Yatmini to VOI, Wednesday, March 13.

In this case, the five victims of domestic violence only received verbal violence from the perpetrators.

"It's just that he has verbals like being scolded. If he does not work, that's all. Maybe from the bathroom, his feet are still wet, right. That's all," he said.

The five victims, continued AKP Sri, were included in the category of victims of child exploitation. Regarding his report claiming to have received physical violence from his employer, it has not been proven.

"It's exploitation. We're processing it too, we're careful. There's no violence. (the perpetrator) is still in the process of being investigated," he said.

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