Prabowo-Gibran's Voice At TPS 34 Ciputat Soars Drastically, Bawaslu Realizes Something Is Wrong
C1 Sheet of voice at TPS 34 Ciputat/ Photo: IST

TANGERANG - The General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of South Tangerang (Tangsel) followed up on the chaos of the C1 sheet as a result of voting at TPS 34 in the Rengas area, East Ciputat, which experienced an error in the number of votes.

In the photo received, the number of votes for the candidate pair (paslon) 02, Prabowo Subianto Gibran with 86 votes was written, 886 votes were written.

The head of the South Tangerang Bawaslu, Muhammad Acep, said that he had asked the District Election Supervisory Committee (Panwascam) to find out the truth of the C1 Results sheet.

"I have asked the East Ciputat Panwascam to follow up," said Acep when confirmed, Thursday, February 15.

After waiting several hours, Acep said that he had just received the results from the data collection on the East Ciputat Panwascam. The result is that it is true that the incident occurred. However, the C1 sheet results have been corrected.

"This is the result of the improvement (given a cross)," he said.

Initial information, there was a C1 sheet from the voting at TPS 34 in the Rengas area, East Ciputat, which experienced a mistake. The candidate pair (Paslon) 02, namely Prabowo Subianto-Gibran, experienced a significant surge in votes. The figure that should have been written was 86 to 886 votes.

Meanwhile, for the other candidate pairs, namely 01, Anies Baswedan-Cak Imin 98 votes and 03, Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD received 57.

After it was discovered that there was an error, the South Tangerang Bawaslu again sent a corrected C1 sheet. There appears to be a cross on the part that is considered wrong.

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