Police Are Still Chasing The Perpetrators Of Rape Of An 8-Year-Old Boy In Bekasi
Illustration of the police pursuing the perpetrators of crime/ Photo: IST

BEKASI Bekasi City Metro Police named Delih (60) as a suspect in the rape case of an 8 year old child. The victim is the nephew of the suspect. Despite being named a suspect, the police are still hunting for the dulih.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bekasi City Metro Police, AKBP Muhammad Firdaus said that the determination of Delih as a suspect since May 2023. Meanwhile, the sexual intercourse report made by Delih was reported since Monday, October 31, 2022, then.

"Sudah ditetapkan Tersangka. Sejak Mei 2023," kata Firdaus saat dikonfirmasi, Rabu, 17 Januari.

Firdaus admitted that until now, Delih has not been caught because he often moves from place to place, escaping during arrests.

"The suspect is still being searched. Please take time," he said.

As previously reported, an elderly man is suspected of raping his 8-year-old nephew in Gang H Basar, South Bekasi. The perpetrator named Delih is the victim's uncle.

The victim's mother, NA, said the incident occurred on Saturday, October 29, 2022.

"Yes, the case has been since 2022. My son was raped by (the perpetrator) delih. He is my cousin," NA said when confirmed, Tuesday, January 16.

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