Three COVID-19 Cases In The Thousand Islands Of Jakarta Recovered
Tests detected COVID-19 transmission. (Between-Didik S)

JAKARTA - The Thousand Islands District Health Office (Dinkes) stated that three COVID-19 patients treated in the area had been declared cured.

"The patients affected can quickly recover and recover after their immune system is normal," said Head of the Thousand Islands Health Sub-dept., DKI Jakarta Province, Herwin Meifedi in his statement in Jakarta, Friday, December 15, confiscated by Antara.

Of all the cities and administrative districts in Jakarta, only the Thousand Islands were detected with the least distribution.

Based on data until December 14, there were only three cases in the Thousand Islands. These patients with COVID-19 have been treated by the health team and have been declared cured.

However, the increase in COVID-19 cases in DKI Jakarta needs to be a concern for the public to overcome and suppress the spread.

Because, he said, although the current spread of COVID-19 is still under control, COVID-19 is still spreading with new variants.

Herwin also asked the people in the Thousand Islands and tourists who came to complete the vaccination and maintain their health.

According to him, the characteristics of vulnerable groups infected with COVID-19 who have a greater chance of dying are those aged 50 years and over, have not been vaccinated and have comorbidities, hypertension, diabetes mititus, stroke, heart disease and others. "As a precautionary measure, people continue to apply Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS) and use masks during flu pain or while in crowds or public places at risk," said Herwin.

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