JAKARTA - A Umrah travel office on Jalan Kramat Raya, Senen District, Central Jakarta was raided by the masses for alleged embezzlement, Friday, September 29, noon.

While expressing his frustration, the masses came while unfurling banners demanding losses at the location.

Agus Widagdo, a victim of laptop embezzlement, said the incident began when the perpetrator with the initials AI as the owner of the trip rented a laptop to him since July 2023. Payments for laptop unit rentals are made every week.

"Initially they rented in a small number of units, then they added more. Finally, there were 50 laptops (which were rented), when they reached 50 laptops there were no payments or stopped," Agus told VOI at the location, Friday, September 29.

Agus tried to collect it since the perpetrator did not pay the rent of his laptop. However, the perpetrator actually avoided and was suspected of embezzling 50 units of laptops with high specs.

"We did the billing, then no payment was made. We asked for their laptop refunds to be complicated, I don't think the laptop is there," he said.

As a result of the actions of AI perpetrators, the victim suffered a loss of 1.7 billion.

"We are carrying out the next collection process by providing subpoenas, we have given them enough opportunities to complete it but until today the response has no good faith from them," he said.

Agus also realized that he was a victim of the embezzlement mode of goods carried out by the perpetrators. Moreover, the price per unit of his spec gaming laptop is around Rp. 20-50 million.

"So I see this is an embezzlement mode. In the first lease (the perpetrator) it is more to lure it because the number is only 9 units, then it will increase. The last addition is up to 31 units with a total of 50 laptops (rented) immediately stopped," he said.

To convince him, continued Agus, the perpetrator made payments at the initial rental normally. The laptop rental payment is given per week.

"Sunday it was extended, exchange again (laptop) then add (the number of laptops) until August it reached 50 units. It just continued to disappear (the perpetrators)," he said.

In the process of renting a laptop unit, the victim directly escorted the laptop unit to the perpetrator's Umrah travel office.

"I see the business of Umrah organizers, I think it is quite reliable. It turns out that we were fooled. I feel cheated, the mode is like that. I think it has entered the criminal realm," said Agus. The victim will also report the case of embezzlement that happened to him to the Senen Police Headquarters in the near future. The victim hopes that the perpetrator will be arrested soon.

"I am ready to take legal action if the perpetrator does not give good faith. As soon as possible, I will make a police report at the Senen Police," he said.

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