JAKARTA - Palestinian Presidential Spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh said the Palestinian leadership firmly opposes the decision of the Israeli government under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to accelerate the construction of settlements in the West Bank.

In his statement to Radio Voice of Palestine Abu Rudeineh emphasized that Palestine also opposes the authorization Israel gave to Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich to ratify the move, adding that settlement building remains illegal under international law.

"Israel is playing with fire," he was quoted as saying by the Palestinian News Agency WAFA, June 19, adding that Israel fully realizes it is a red line of Palestine, Arab and international.

Furthermore, Abu Rudeineh warned the Israeli government, the decision will lead to more tension and escalation of the situation on the ground.

"Israel cannot build a single stone without America's decision," he said, holding the US government responsible for what happened, not just being a bystander.

Abu Rudeineh emphasized that peace can only be achieved through the implementation of the Arab Peace Initiative and Palestinian legitimacy.

He stressed that his government refused to ratify the Iran nuclear deal by allowing Israel to increase its settlement activities.

"Settlements in the West Bank will be demolished, just like those in the Gaza Strip, because they are illegal and built in violation of international law," he stressed.

He also stressed that the intensification of settlement construction would lead to an escalation of the situation on the ground, calling it Tel Aviv's responsibility and Washington's responsibility for this.

As previously reported, the Israeli government on Sunday approved legislation to speed up settlement building in the occupied West Bank, handing more powers to Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich over one of the most contentious issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, despite opposition from its closest ally, the United States.

Settlement construction no longer has to be approved at a political level, reports public broadcaster Israel Kan, a departure from the current system that has existed for more than 25 years.

Under the new system, settlement development proposals can now be submitted to Israel's Supreme Planning Council without prior political approval, with political intervention cut from four tranches to two.

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