JAKARTA - The National Police's Criminal Investigation Unit tracked down and confiscated the assets of the suspects in a fraud case with the Net89 trading robot mode. One of them is a building owned by PT Simbiotic Multitalenta Indonesia (SMI) worth hundreds of billions.

"Banking Sub-Directorate II of the Directorate of Special Economic Crimes of the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency has confiscated assets of PT SMI Net 89 related to the investigation of the trading robot case in the form of a PT SMI net 89 tower building on BSD Boulevard Utara, Tangerang worth IDR 715 billion", said the Head of the Public Information Bureau of the National Police's Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmas Ramadhan, to reporters, Thursday, November 24.

Later, investigators also confiscated the building that was used as the office of PT SMI Net89 in the Foresta business shophouse area of ​​Tangerang. The building is estimated to cost IDR 11 billion.

The confiscation of the two buildings is said to have taken place on Tuesday, November 22.

Then, continued Ramadhan, investigators also confiscated suspect David's assets in the form of cash and Rolex watches.

"Investigators also confiscated several pieces of evidence from suspect D alias ED, the first was IDR 300 million in cash. The second confiscated a car worth IDR 270 million", said Ramadhan.

"The three, 1 unit of luxury Rolex watches worth IDR 250 million, then confiscated an LV luxury bag worth IDR 32 million, a laptop unit worth IDR 6 million, and a cellphone", he continued.

The National Police previously named eight suspects in the Net89 trading robot case. The suspects are officials of PT Simbiotic Multitalenta Indonesia (SMI).

The suspects are Andreas Andreyanto as the founder or owner of Net89 or PT SMI, Lauw Swan Hie Samuel the director, and Erwin Saeful Ibrahim the member and operator.

Then Reza Shahrani alias Reza Patent, Alwin Aliwarga, Hanny Suteja, Ferdi Iwan, and David. They are a sub-operator of the Net89 trading robot.

However, the suspect status for Hanny Suteja had to be aborted for the sake of the law. Because he died in an accident.

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