PAPUA - The Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 in Jayawijaya Regency, Papua Province, will quarantine patients who do not comply with self-isolation.

Jayawijaya COVID-19 Team Leader, Jhon Richard Banua, said his party would continue to monitor COVID-19 patients who are in self-isolation.

"But if it is positive and the self-isolation is undisciplined, we will definitely use quarantine again", he said in Wamena, Wednesday, February 16.

Jhon said his party had received a circular from the central government about COVID-19 patients without symptoms being allowed to self-isolate.

"If we have symptoms, we will be admitted to the hospital. If they are self-isolation, they are disciplined, we will still allow self-isolation", he said.

Based on data from the Jayawijaya COVID-19 task force team, most of the patients underwent self-isolation.

Data on COVID-19 sufferers in Jayawijaya as of February 15, 2022, was 106 cases, higher than February 14 which only recorded 88 cases.

The COVID-19 distribution districts in Jayawijaya are Bugi, Wouma, Hubikiak, and the City Center in Wamena District.

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