Bawaslu Has Not Received Komnas HAM Report On Unneutral Officials In Elections

Chairman of the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) Rahmat Bagja admitted that he had not received a report from the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) regarding state civil servants from the village level to governors in several areas that were not neutral during the 2024 General Election (Pemilu).

"Until now, we have not received the official Komnas HAM report," said Bagja as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, February 22.

Previously, Bawaslu member Lolly Suhenty also revealed the same statement as Bagja.

"Until now, there have been no reports from Komnas HAM that have entered Bawaslu," said Lolly.

Previously, Deputy Chairman of Komnas HAM Pramono Ubaid Tanthowi at the Komnas HAM Office, Jakarta, Wednesday (21/2), said his party's findings regarding this matter had entered Bawaslu.

He also hopes that these findings can be a lesson for the government to remain neutral in the election. Thus, the democratic process can run without the intervention of other parties.

Meanwhile, member of Komnas HAM Saurlin P. Siagian said that the findings were related to the neutrality of state officials who were closely related to money politics for winning certain election participants.

The findings, including 12 village heads in Buduran District, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java Province, expressed their support for one of the election participants.

In addition, his party also found that there was a coordination meeting of village heads in Temanggung Regency to win certain election participants.

"We also found the direction of the Mayor of Samarinda to his staff to elect certain election participants. Another example is that an ASN in Cianjur Regency was caught red-handed doing money politics to win certain election participants," said Saurlin.

Not only that, but his party also found a video containing an invitation from the Governor of West Kalimantan to invite the ranks of ASN to choose certain candidates.

"This presentation was conveyed by the Acting Governor of West Kalimantan at the anniversary of the West Kalimantan Provincial Government on January 24, 2024," he said.