Evo Morales Inaugurated As President Of Bolivia In Today's Memory, January 22, 2006

JAKARTA Memories of today, 18 years ago, January 22, 2006, the socialist leader who is also a traditional figure, Juan Evo Morales Ayma was appointed President of Bolivia. He became Bolivia's first president from the original tribe, Aymara. His leadership also brought significant changes to the whole Bolivia.

Previously, Morales felt life as a farmer. This narrative made him understand the fate of koka farmers who are often oppressed by the authorities. He was moved to defend the fate of the farmers.

Poverty can be a trigger for movement. That's what Evo Morales felt young. The man who was born in Isallavi, October 26, 1959, was the same day he lived his life as a farmer from the Aymara tribe.

He is able to work anything, from grazing animals to helping plants. Plant commodities that plant various villagers. These include corn, rice, to koka (major cocaine).

His life as a farmer was balanced by the Koran demanding knowledge. His activities as a farmer then had time to pause when he was serving in the military from 1977-1978. Instead of completing his military service, Morales and his family changed, in fact life became increasingly difficult.

He witnessed for himself how difficult it was for the farmers affected by the El Nino storm in the 1980s. Morales and his family gave up. They then moved from Isallavi to Chapare. Life as a farmer was again played by him.

However, plants that are prima donna are no longer rice, cotton, or corn. Koka actually appears as a prima donna plant. Koka is not only the main ingredient of cocaine, but can also be used as raw material for soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and so on.

This fact made the whole of Chapare do favorable koka cultivation. However, the existence was disturbed by the Bolivian government which leaned towards the US. Cultivation of koka is starting to be considered the culprit for the high spread of cocaine.

Farmers were also fought on suspicion of participating in business as cocaine traders. This condition made Morales furious. He, who has entered the koka farmers' union, has stirred up resistance. He, like other Bolivian indigenous peoples, thinks koka is part of cultural elements and cultural identity.

The Bolivian people are considered not to make and produce koka as cocaine. Narratives cannot be disturbed. The variety of large demonstrations was promoted by Morales. Something that then made Morales' name skyrocket. Morales then invited the people against the government's teachings to sell natural resources gas and oil-- Bolivia cheaply.

He moved to Chapare where his activities as a member of the trade union (and amateur footballer) made Morales grow in expertise and injury. He overcomes beatings, arrests, racist abuse, and disputes between factions to take over the leadership of the Movement for Socialism (MAS) Party a party consisting of miners, farmers, and urban left-wings and entering congress, wrote Blair and Dan Collyns wrote in his article on The Guardian's website entitled EVo Morales: indigious leader who changed Bolivia but stayed too long(2019).

Morales began to gain influence in the world of politics. He followed the election of Bolivian parliamentarians and succeeded. His career as a politician skyrocketed. He was able to defend the interests of the original Bolivian tribe. He continues to maintain the narrative so that his cultivation is not disturbed by the government's lawsuit.

He also wants all existing foreign mining companies to be nationalized immediately. This condition made him dare to participate in the 2015 Bolivian presidential election political contestation. The Movement for Socialism became his political vehicle.

It has been predicted that Morales will win. He was able to excel dominantly from his opponents in December 2005. This condition made Morales the first Bolivian person to come from the original tribe. Because, previously the President of Bolivia was dominated by Spanish descent.

Morales' leadership as President of Bolivia became more complete when he was officially sworn in on January 22, 2006. Morales immediately fulfilled his promise. He then transformed into one of the best leaders who had led Bolivia.

Bolivian President Evo Morales ordered the military to occupy energy fields across the country on Monday when he placed Bolivia's oil and gas reserves under state control. He immediately fielded the military in an oil field, one of which was operated by Brazilian energy giant Petr

Morales ordered foreign investors to relinquish control of all oil fields and channel future hydrocarbon sales through state-owned energy companies. He gave foreign companies 180 days to renegotiate existing contracts with the government, or leave the country, "explained Paulo Prada in his writings on The New York Times website entitled Bovian Nationalizes the Oil and Gas Sector (2006).