Boyolali Satpas And 11 Other Buildings Are Inaugurated, Central Java Police Chief Hopes People Can Be Served Well

BOYOLALI - Boyolali residents can now smile because the new building of the Prototype SIM Administration Administration Unit (Satpas) in the district is officially operating. The inauguration was carried out by the Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi, Monday, January 15.

In this activity, the Kapolda also symbolically inaugurated 11 other new buildings in the ranks of the Central Java Police, including the Purworejo Police Prototype Satpas, the Kebumen Police Prototype Satpas, the ambulance parking building and the ICU and inpatient room of Bhayangkara Hospital Semarang.

Furthermore, the Company D Rusun Battalion Brimob Cilacap, Mako Polsek and Mess Polsek Borobudur Polresta Magelang, Mako Polsek Kedung Wuni Polres Pekalongan, Rusun Polresta Pati, Perumahan Khusus (rusus) Polsek Sapuran Polres Wonosobo, Housing Khusus (rusus) Polsek Wirosari Polres Grobogan and Perumahan Khusus (rusus) Polsek Jati Polres Kudus.

In his statement to the media, the Kapolda said that the inauguration of the new buildings is expected to be able to improve the professionalism and excellent service of Polri members to the community.

"So it is hoped that they (Police members) can serve the community better than when they were still on duty in old buildings," he explained.

Meanwhile, Karo Logistik Polda Central Java, Kombes Pol Farid Bachtiar Effendi in his presentation said that the construction of new buildings and rehabilitation of buildings within the Polda will continue as the demands for increased unit performance and services to the community.

In 2024, he said, the Central Java Police had planned the procurement of 11 new buildings in the form of housing for members of the National Police, Satpas, improvement of health facilities and construction of the Sector Police (Polsek) level.

A number of facilities to be built include the construction of the Gemolong Police Headquarters of the Sragen Police, the Parakan Police Headquarters of the Temanggung Police, Brimob Purwokerto Flats, the East Pekalongan Police Rusus, Karanganyar Police Flats, the Cilacap Police BPKB Service Building, the Salatiga Police Prototype Satpas Building, the Demak Police Prototype Satpas Building and the Purbalingga Police Prototype Building.

"Then also build health service facilities for members of the National Police and the community, namely the construction of the Level 1 Biddokkes Health Facility and Bhayangkara Hospital Building," he explained.

He hopes that the new buildings that have been inaugurated by the Central Java Police Chief can be immediately used for community operations and services

"We also thank the leadership of the National Police and all those who make a positive contribution so that the 12 new buildings that have been inaugurated by the Central Java Police Chief can be completed on time, on cost and on purpose," concluded Karo Logistik.