Police Arrest DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency For Alleged Obscenity In Kemayoran

JAKARTA - An individual Civil Servant (PNS) of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Service (Dishub) with the initials RT is reported to have been arrested by a member of the Police for the alleged molestation of the victim AAP (11) on Thursday night, January 4.

According to information gathered, the perpetrator was arrested by the police on Thursday night at around 22.30 WIB at his residence in the Cempaka Baru area, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.

"He was arrested last night at the perpetrator's house," said one of the VOI sources, Friday, December 5.

The victim with the initials AAP had previously carried out a post-mortem at Tarakan Hospital on Wednesday, January 3. The results of the post-mortem were proven to be damage to the victim's vital organs.

"(The results) have been positive for the post-mortem. There is a tear in the child's vagina," he added.

Meanwhile, Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Central Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Chandra Mata Rohansyah and Head of PPA Iptu Ari Muratno have not answered when VOI confirmed via WhatsApp or cellular messages.