Bantul Health Office Reminds Again The Danger Of COVID-19 For Comorbid Patients

DIY - The Bantul Regency Health Office (Dinkes), Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), warned its citizens to remain disciplined in health protocols (prokes) due to the surge in COVID-19 cases in a number of areas.

"Moreover, people who have comorbidities or comorbidities, of course, when contracting COVID-19, the risk is greater than those who do not have comorbidities," said Bantul Health Office Head Agus Tri Widyantara in Bantul, Sunday, December 17, as reported by Antara.

He reminded again that the discipline of health care procedures can be done by diligently washing hands with soap, then when in areas that have the potential for massive transmission in crowds, people should continue to wear masks.

Furthermore, Agus said that since a few days ago, 1-2 positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 were still found, but the majority were asymptomatic, so they were isolated at home.

"We usually get cases when screening is carried out, for example for mothers who want to give birth or surgery. Some hospitals carry out screening and sometimes they are found to be positive but without symptoms, so for isolation, there is enough isolation at home," he said.

He also said that for positive cases of COVID-19 this week, there were 8 people recorded, but only carried out isolation at home, because the patient concerned was asymptomatic.