Usai Begadang, Lakukan Anjuran Menurut Pakar Dan Menyati Larangan Berikut Ini

YOGYAKARTA After being unable to sleep last night due to insomnia or completing certain tasks so you have to stay up late, medical experts recommend a number of things to do and to avoid. The goal is to keep you energized for the next day's activity and prevent getting sick. For that, check the following list.

If you think you pay your debts to sleep at 9 am after staying up late and waking up, it turns out to be avoided. The reason is, the body's internal hours will fall apart if you change your daily sleep hours. The recommendation is to keep doing routines even if you lack sleep so that the sleep cycle returns to its path. So to prevent bad mood and energy from dropping, try sunbathing in the morning. By sunbathing, you will get natural vitamin D and help overcome difficulty sleeping and improve your mood and brain.

So, may you drink caffeinated drinks after staying up late? As explained above, the body has an internal clock according to your daily habits. If you are used to drinking coffee in the morning, then you can do it in a limited size and must be accompanied by some food. But avoid drinking caffeine near bedtime.

For sports activities, you can also do it but you can't be too busy with bedtime. If you have to exercise, take a break in the afternoon or at night at least 3 hours before bed. Well, after staying up late, napping can help sharpen your attention and motor skills. At least, you can take a nap between 20 and 90 minutes.

If you are hungry before bed the next night makes the sleep schedule delayed, it is important to pay attention to the tips. Most likely, eat snacks a few hours before bed. Avoid heavier and oily dinners such as burgers, potatoes, and shakes. It's better to eat snacks, such as grilled bread, yogurt, or apples.

In addition to the above recommendation, it is important to get enough fluids. But don't let drinking bother you during hours of sleep. Like thirst in the middle of the night or waking up when you urinate. It is also important to regulate the condition of the bedroom. Make sure there is no sound from outside disturbing your sleep. Plus, calm your mind and set room temperature to stay comfortable.

Without sufficient sleep, an assessment of something would be inappropriate. Brain cells, after staying up late, will work too hard and cannot unite the mind, forgetful easily, even understanding events may take more time. So, take time to calm your mind. Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine before bed. Avoid spending a lot of time playing with your devices or watching shows.

Make sure you don't stay up late often because it will affect health. Sometimes difficulty sleeping is a natural thing. Launching WebMD, Sunday, December 17, if you find it difficult to sleep starts to interfere with your activities to change your mood, it's better to consult a doctor.