Alokasi DIPA Dan TKD Provinsi Kaltara Alami Kenaikan

TANJUNG SELOR - Governor of North Kalimantan (Kaltara), Zainal Arifin Paliwang, accompanied by the Head of the Regional Office of the Director General of Treasury of Kaltara Province, Sakop handed over a Budget Implementation List (DIPA) and a digital list of Transfer Allocations to Regions (TKD) for the 2024 fiscal year to Heads/Super Users of the Ministry/Institution Work Unit Budget.

This DIPA is a reference for the power of budget users to carry out government activities as part of the implementation of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN). DIPA is the basis for state expenditure and disbursement of the burden on the state budget as well as a supporting document for government accounting activities.

The 2024 East Kalimantan State Budget allocation increased by 4.33% compared to the 2023 allocation. The TKD allocation increased significantly by 5.9%, which was dominated by an increase in DBH 16.35% compared to the 2023 allocation. Meanwhile, the central government expenditure allocation in Kaltara increased by 0.8%.

The expenditure allocation in the 2024 State Budget includes North Kalimantan Province of IDR 12,771 trillion.

Consisting of central government spending of IDR 3.787 trillion which is intended for 214 work units.

Central Government expenditures include personnel expenditures of IDR 1.02 trillion, goods expenditures of IDR 1.45 trillion, capital expenditures of IDR 1.32 trillion, and spending on social assistance of IDR 158 million.

Meanwhile, for TKD Rp8.984 trillion, consisting of DBH of Rp3.63 trillion, DAU of Rp4.02 trillion, physical DAK of Rp382.98 billion, non-physical DAK of Rp515.93 billion, Fiscal Incentive Fund of Rp40.71 billion, and Village Funds of Rp399.95 billion. This TKD was given to the Kaltara Provincial Government and 5 district/city governments in the Kaltara region.

"The handover of DIPA and TKD Kaltara is a follow-up to the submission of DIPA 2024 by President Joko Widodo on November 29 to all ministers or leaders of institutions and governors throughout Indonesia," said Zainal, Thursday, December 14.

Zainal said this series of activities was a form of commitment and concrete steps for the government, so that the implementation of development in Kaltara could start earlier so that the benefits were felt more quickly by the community.

"To all leaders, both the work unit of the K/L and regional apparatus organizations within the Kaltara scope, they can use a budget that is set in a disciplined, careful, efficient and effective manner," he said.

In addition, to regional heads, he reminded the direction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia to ensure the alignment of the regional government's work plan with the target of the 2024 government Perja Plan.

"The 2024 state budget is a mandate from the people that we must account for. Therefore, let's use this budget as well as possible, quickly, precisely, transparently, and accountably. Let us work hard, synergize, and work hand in managing the state budget better so that the state budget can be used optimally as a policy instrument to protect the community, maintain stability and encourage economic growth while maintaining healthy and sustainable fiscal management," he explained.