Dozens Of Cafes And Massage Parlors On The Edge Of The Cakung Toll Road Given By Pol PP Line, Sealed From Satpol PP

JAKARTA - A total of 20 dimly lit cafes, massage parlors and night entertainment venues on the East Side of the Toll Road, Pulogebang, Cakung District, East Jakarta, were sealed by joint officers, Thursday, November 23, evening. "Tonight we are controlling entertainment venues that violate the rules and behind complaints from residents on the road parallel to the East side of the toll road," said Head of PPNS (Civil Servant Investigator) and East Jakarta Satpol PP Enforcement, Charles Siahaan to VOI. In addition to sealing, joint officers also closed cafes and night entertainment venues that often operate on the banks of the East Side of the Toll Road, Cakung Area, East Jakarta.

"Tonight we will close cafes or entertainment venues. As many as 20 cafes we have sealed and we will give Pol PP Line (the Pol PP line), that's the temporary one," he said. Charles ensured that joint officers will again carry out further control of cafes, nightclubs to massage parlors on Friday, November 24, tomorrow. "Tomorrow we will carry it out again including controlling massage parlors," he said. Control and sealing, continued Charles, was carried out so that local people would not worry anymore. "There is a complaint that in this area there are places that are not good or where night entertainment occurs," he said. Previously, the existence of a prostitution localization area on the East Side Street, Pulogebang, Cakung District, East Jakarta, began to be complained of by local residents. In particular, residents of Sawah Indah Village RT 001/RW 05 Pulogebang, Cakung District asked the North Jakarta City Government to immediately control the place of immorality under the guise of the massage parlor. "Residents asked for the closure of prostitution (business) under the guise of massage parlors, it was troubling. At first, only one to two places, it had been long to hosted up to about 15 massage parlors," said the Chairperson of Sawah Indah Village, Dasrizal, Wednesday, November 22. Furthermore, Dasrizal said, the existence of a massage parlor plus - plus had existed since 2005. However in the past, there were only 2 massage parlors. As time went on, a massage parlor was established, so the number became three. Gradually, the number became even more and more.