Man In Tangerang Arrested For Claiming To Be An Israeli Supporter And Calling Palestinian Supporters Stupid

TANGERANG A man in Tangerang was arrested by the police for claiming to be an Israeli supporter and calling Palestinian supporters stupid'. The man's action was discovered after his video went viral on social media (medsos).

"For Palestine and Israel. I am a supporter of Israel. If the supporter of Israel must have a brain. If Palestinian supporters don't have a brain," said the perpetrator in the video seen.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tangerang Police, Kompol Arief Nazaruddin, confirmed the incident. Kompol Arief said, the perpetrator had the initials A (36) and had been arrested.

Arief also said that the perpetrator lived in one of the housing estates in the Rajeg District, Tangerang Regency.

"It has been secured. This afternoon (Friday 3 November)," said Arief in a short message, Friday, November 3.

The Rajeg Police Chief Iptu Hajaji added. He explained that the perpetrator was arrested because it was considered to make a lot of noise.

"In order not to cause conflict in the community, we immediately responded to the video by visiting people in the video," he said. Hajaji also ensured that personnel would continue to monitor the security situation, especially around the perpetrator's residence to prevent anarchist acts.

"We will immediately call and mediate so that the problem can be resolved soon," he said.