Four Fire Points On The Same Day, Handled By The Joint Tm And BPBD Semarang Regency

JAKARTA - Emergency and Logistics Staff of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Semarang Regency, Ashadi, revealed that in addition to forest and land fires (karhutla) on the slopes of Mount Merbabu on Tuesday, September 26, fires also occurred in four other locations in Semarang Regency. Ashadi, through his statement broadcast in Jakarta, said the four locations include the Penggaron Tourism Forest area, pine forest in Sepakung Village, land in Kawengen Village, and land in Susukan Village. The fire broke out in five locations in one day, he continued, made the Semarang Regency BPBD team together with Damkar and volunteers have to trip the fire. Not long after successfully tameing the fire, reports of land fires were received again by the team and their location was in the pine forest of Sepakung Village.. The fire was already extinguished. The Perhutani was already monitored. After the blackout was over, the team immediately moved to Sepakung, "said Ashadi. If the fire extinguishing in the Penggaron Tourism Forest can be easily carried out with the help of fire engines and water tanks, he said, then it is impossible to implement it in Sepakung because the terrain is quite steep and it is unlikely that damkar vehicles and water tanks could reach the scene.

Therefore, it was used to extinguish manually with makeshifts and other makeshift tools, because Sepakung's location was at the foot of the mountain. "The fire and tank from BPBD as well as the team as possible reached the point, "added Ashadi further, Ashadi also reported the forest and land fires at two other points, namely in Kawengen Village and Susukan Village. The fire has also been extinguished," he said. He reminded that the dry season still hit Indonesia, especially in Java and its surroundings which could trigger forest and land fires. Therefore, people are advised to be careful in the use of fire.