Pakistan Arrests 6 Indian Citizens Of Drug Smugglers To Weapons

JAKARTA - Pakistani authorities claim arrested six Indians seeking to smuggle drugs, weapons, and ammunition into the country the day after accusing India of violating a ceasefire along the Control Line (LoC).

"It is surprising that these smugglers can cross the heavily fortified border under the supervision of the Indian Border Security Forces (BSF)," a Pakistani state radio station report said, citing a statement by Pakistan's Military media wing, Inter-Service Public Relations (ISPR) reported by ANTARA from Anadolu, Tuesday, August 22.

"This indicates the possibility of the involvement of BSF troops in drug and weapons smuggling," he said.

The arrests were made by Pakistani paramilitary Rangers on 29 July-3 August.

"This Indian smuggler will be legally processed because he entered Pakistan illegally and was involved in heinous activities," he wrote.

The Pakistani military "hopes" BSF "acts professionally, cutting ties with smuggling groups in their homeland," according to the statement.

The claim comes a day after Pakistan's Military on Monday said Indian armed forces carried out an "unwarranted" shooting on the cap border. A 62-year-old man was killed in the incident.

The incident occurred in the Nikial sector on the Control Line (LoC), a de facto border that divides Jammu and the disputedhub between the two nuclear competitors.