After 388 Hajj Pilgrims, Minister Of Religion Yaqut Asks Officers To Be Friendly To The Elderly

JAKARTA - A total of 388 flying groups (cluters) for the first Jakarta-Pondok Gede Embarkation (JKG 01) began departing today. Even in his departure, the Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas and the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Indonesia Syekh Faisal Abdullah Al Amudi were released directly by the Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas and the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Indonesia Syekh Faisal Abdullah Al Amudi at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Tangerang City.

The Minister of Religion acknowledged that there are more elderly pilgrims than in previous years. Therefore, he asked officers to be more friendly to the congregation, especially the elderly.

"The Ministry of Religion is committed to providing the best service for all pilgrims, including the elderly," Yaqut said in his statement, Wednesday, May 24.

Yaqut also said that this year's congregation were the people who were selected to carry out the fifth pillar of Islam, namely the pilgrimage.

Therefore, said Yaqut, to perform the pilgrimage requires excellent physical needs, one of which is paying attention to the health aspect while traveling, in Saudi Arabia, until later returning to the country.

"Don't overly force yourself to do activities, including sunnah worship, especially if you feel that your health is inadequate," said Yaqut when releasing the congregation from the plane, Wednesday, May 24.

Furthermore, he also reminded that the weather in Arabia with Indonesia is different. The reason is, the weather is much hotter, so all congregants must be able to adjust.

The government has prepared officers to provide health services for the congregation. Do not hesitate to ask or consult if there are health-related complaints. There have also been prepared officers who will provide services, protection, and guidance to the congregation," the Minister of Religion ordered.