Central Java Combines Science And 'Titen Science' To Face Natural Disasters

Realizing that the area is in the province with a moderate to high scale disaster vulnerability point, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo is intensely increasing preparedness in disaster management in a planned manner.

Central Java cooperates with universities, implements Early Warning System (EWS) science and technology which can detect disasters from an early age in the most disaster-prone areas. Ganjar also invited volunteers and the public to be alert and sensitive to natural phenomena.

Ganjar wants them to study titen science. Science stems from the local wisdom of the ancestral heritage about the teachings of how humans are alert and alert to the threat of disaster.

With this method, in 2015 Ganjar won the Adi Bestrong award from the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB). This institution in 2019 also awarded Central Java as the most active province in disaster management.

Ganjar emphasized that Central Java will always be involved in humanitarian operations in various disaster-hit areas. In addition, together with the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), his party will continue to improve itself, quality and competence so that it can reduce disaster risk.

Residents of Purworejo Regency, Supandi, expressed their appreciation for the quick action carried out by the Provincial Government in disaster management and education programs. He gave an example of how when BPBD Central Java and Purworejo coordinated when landslides occurred in a number of villages in Bagelen District.

He still remembers how landslides had an effect on economic paralysis for the residents of Hargorojo and Sokoagung, most of whom were netizens. The reason is, dozens of coconut trees fell due to the landslide.

What makes us salute the Central Java Provincial Government, not only during disaster management, but attention and concern for victims is also done after the disaster. What did we get during the landslide disaster? In the post-disaster program, we facilitated the oven for drying ant sugar (crystal sugar), as well as a package of pans, pots. We were trained in disaster," said Supandi, Saturday, December 17.

Supandi, who is also a PMI volunteer, said that the benefits felt by farmers were training in disaster mitigation which was socialized by BPBD.

Former Head of Central Java BPBD Kalakhar Sarwa Pramana said, there are four factors that are the key to Central Java's success as a disaster-resilient province. The first is a strong commitment of a leader, then understanding about the Incident Command System (ICS).

According to him, if a disaster occurs without the formation of an ICS, there will be overlapping, and throwing responsibilities at each other. And according to him, the provincial government controls ICS so that it is able to coordinate between disciplines swiftly in response to disaster emergency.

The third key is the real-time government's presence. He saw that Ganjar Pranowo was always present in every disaster that occurred in Central Java. Even former Indonesian House of Representatives legislators descended in disaster areas outside Central Java.

The construction of temporary housing (huntara) in Central Java Village by the Provincial Government in 2018 in Petobo Baru, South Palu, Palu City received appreciation from a number of parties. At that time, the Central Java Provincial Government built 100 shelters equipped with public facilities (clean water, toilets, sanitation) for earthquake and tsunami victims in Palu.

"Fourth, the ability to take discretion during an emergency. If you rely on a bureaucratic mechanism, it will be slow, and people who are victims of the disaster may not be helped. Pak Ganjar dares to take discretion, the important thing is not corruption," said the chairman of the Central Java PMI.

A number of breakthroughs have been made by Ganjar in handling disasters. In addition to the EWS technology approach involving the Geological Technology Research and Development Agency, UGM and BMKG, Sarwa acknowledged, Ganjar taught about titen science.

In addition, Ganjar allocated assistance for disaster victims and repaired damaged facilities, increased Disaster Resilient Villages (Destana), Inter-Cash Disaster Strengthening Systems/Bakorwil, Inclusive Service Units with Disabilities, and Disaster Safety Schools as part of the Governor Teaching program.

According to Sarwa, the science of titen based on local wisdom, for example, if the eruption of Mount Slamet rises to level two, then the avalanche of Seven at the Baturraden tourist attraction has increased to 47 degrees Celsius. In addition, the decline in monkeys, broken bamboo and sound like a gamelan when Merapi erupted.

The handling of disasters is pentahelix, involving all parties, be it the government, universities, business world, society. The existence of Destana, we think is effective in helping in disaster management," said Sarwa.

Head of BPBD Central Java Bergas Catursasi also admitted that there were many best practices carried out by Governor Ganjar Pranowo to inspire many people. One of them is how to coordinate so quickly when a disaster occurs and disaster fundraising gets support from various parties.

Meanwhile, BNPB Main Secretary Lilik Kurniawan assessed that Ganjar is the best governor in the context of disaster management. According to him, there are two disaster business processes that can be carried out by a bureaucrat, namely when there is no disaster, and when a disaster occurs.

"When there is no disaster, always remind you to be careful, you know, get ready, you know. If a disaster occurs, it always motivates you, "Let's be enthusiastic, there's still tomorrow," and the business process has been carried out by Mr. Ganjar," said Lilik.

He explained that the Central Java Disaster Risk Index always drops every year. In fact, in December 2021, the figure is already 125.73. That means, it is undeniable that the performance of provinces including districts/cities is struggling with all their might in tackling disasters.

"The Governor of Central Java has been very good at making policies and institutions, reviewing risks, information systems, preparedness and disaster recovery," he said.