YOGYAKARTA Gmail has a unique feature but helps its users, one of these features is snooze. Then what does snooze mean in an email?
Have you ever had an electronic letter either from an important person or institution, but you didn't want to read it right away? If so, then snooze will answer your wishes. The snooze feature is one of the unique features Gmail provides for its users.
The literally meaning of snooze is a short sleep. The name is not too far from the function he represents, namely staying a short email to be woken up again.
In essence, the snooze feature on email is useful for bringing up more emails that go into your inbox, with a manual set date and time. For example, you get a university exam card email that you have to show at the time of the exam.
In fact, the exam will last about two months. You can't save the test card file offline because it's feared to be lost. Whereas if you leave it in an email will certainly be stacked by another email. To overcome this you can enable snooze. With sooze enabled, you will receive another exam card file one day before the exam, depending on the set time.
Snooze allows emails that have been sent and entered your inbox, stored and reappeared at the desired time. When the snooze is activated, the email in question will disappear and reappear according to the selected time.
You can take advantage of the snooze feature through the Gmail application available on your phone. How to activate snooze is as follows.
This method is usually used for those of you who log in to Gmail on a computer or laptop. To take advantage of the snooze, do the following steps.
Sometimes you need a message that has been snoozed. No need to worry because finding it is easy. Do the following steps.
In addition to what snooze means in emails, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.
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