JAKARTA – To ensure that health protocols are strictly implemented during League 1 and League 2 competition matches, PT Liga Indonesia Baru (LIB) has formed a COVID-19 Task Force. They will be on duty in each stadium to implement health protocols (prokes) during the league.
"The COVID-19 Task Force at each venue is in charge of directly supervising the implementation of health protocols in the field. They will also coordinate with the COVID-19 Task Force at the center," said the LIB Operations Director who is also the Head of the Liga 1 and 2 COVID-19 Task Forces Sudjarno in a written statement received in Jakarta, Sunday.
LIB hopes that the process can run strictly and indiscriminately. The LIB also reiterated that if Liga 1 and 2 were to be held, no spectators should be present in the stadium. The public is asked to watch the match from home and not make a crowd.
"Public support and commitment will be very decisive. If everyone is obedient and adheres to the implementation of the prokes in a strict and disciplined manner, the competition can run as we all hope," said Sudjarno.
At the end of June 2021, PSSI and LIB decided that the 2021-2022 Indonesian League 1 and 2 season, which was scheduled to start on July 9, was postponed in accordance with instructions from the BNPB COVID-19 Handling Task Force.
The decision was taken because COVID-19 cases have increased significantly in Indonesia, especially on the islands of Java and Bali. The Indonesian League 1 season 2021-2022 is scheduled to roll in mid-August. While League 2 is scheduled to take place from September.
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