
JAKARTA - Wisma Haji Emergency COVID-19 Hospital Pondok Gede, East Jakarta received 45,402 nutritious food and beverage products as well as medical equipment assistance such as oxygen concentrators, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) masks, and hazmat from a private company engaged in the food and beverage production sector to help ease the burden of handling the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

This assistance is a form of collaboration that is indeed the key in handling the virus from Wuhan. "We appreciate the support for the Wisma Haji Emergency Hospital Pondok Gede and the health workers who have participated in carrying out their duties in the midst of this pandemic. This cooperative effort will help us in handling the COVID-19 pandemic", said the Head of the Health Determinant Analysis Center at the Ministry of Health, Doctor Andi Saguni in a written statement, Sunday, July 25.

Wisma Haji COVID-19 Hospital is one of the emergency hospitals initiated by the Government in early July 2021 to assist in handling the spike in cases that occurred recently due to the entry of a new variant, namely the Delta variant.

Ruang perawatan sebuah rumah sakit. (Ilustrasi Unsplush)
The treatment room of a hospital. (Unsplush Illustration)

The place, based on data from the Ministry of Health, has a capacity of 900 rooms, and the construction was carried out by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR). In addition, there are 950 additional beds along with 50 additional rooms to ensure the Wisma Haji Emergency Hospital can optimally handle more COVID-19 patients.

For the Emergency Installation (IGD), the process is in collaboration with the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) and is placed outside the Hospital building.

Meanwhile, health workers who work at the Wisma Haji Emergency Hospital Pondok Gede come from green zones such as Kalimantan and Sumatra, they are facilitated to live in the Hajj Dormitory so that they can minimize the potential for the spread of COVID-19 among health workers or their family members.

There is also 350 medical personnel on duty at Wisma Haji Emergency Hospital Pondok Gede, East Jakarta, with 78 medical specialists.

Receive Referrals

Wisma Haji Emergency Hospital Pondok Gede only accepts official referrals from health centers and hospitals for patients with mild to moderate symptoms. Meanwhile, patients with severe to critical symptoms cannot be treated at this location because there are no adequate facilities.

Bantuan makanan dan alat medis diberikan pihak swasta kepada RDSC Wisma Haji Pondok Gede untuk penanganan COVID-19. (Dok Antara)
Food assistance and medical equipment were provided by the private sector to the RDSC Wisma Haji Pondok Gede for the handling of COVID-19. (Intermediate Doc)

Until July 2021, it was recorded that in Indonesia there were 389 thousand beds in all health facilities, 30 percent of which were requested to be allocated as a place to handle COVID-19 or around 130 thousand beds.

Meanwhile, from the private sector that helps Emergency Hospital Pondok Gede, he hopes that this assistance can ease the burden on health workers and health facilities in the midst of the war against the invisible virus.

"We are aware that the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia can only be overcome with the cooperation of all members of the community and the government, therefore Nestlé Indonesia is here to cooperate and provide assistance to Wisma Haji Emergency Hospital Pondok Gede in the hope of helping to ease the burden on personnel and health facilities. and people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, working together", said Director of PT Nestle Indonesia Corporate Affairs, Debora R. Tjandrakusuma.

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