
JAKARTA - Government Spokesperson for Handling COVID-19, Dr. Reisa Broto Asmoro, said that the collection of charity through mobile Infaq boxes during the Eid prayer in the safe zone was replaced with a transfer or non-cash mechanism.

"There are no Infaq boxes that are revolving around again. They can be replaced with non-cash from home", she said when he appeared virtually at the "Healthy Broadcast for Eid Al-Adha" quoted from Antara, Monday, July 19.

The Ambassador for the Adaptation of New Habits said that the use of mobile charity boxes carries a risk of transmitting the virus. Reisa also conveyed other provisions for the implementation of Eid prayers outside the Emergency Community Activity Restriction (PPKM) zone by the Decree of the Minister of Religion Number 16 of 2021.

"In the green and yellow zones it is permissible (Id prayer), but it must prioritize the health protocol and it is allowed with a maximum of 30 percent of the capacity of the mosque and prayer room and the condition of the congregation must be healthy, the distance is regulated, a minimum distance of 1 meter must be given", she said.

Reisa said that congregants who come must also have their body temperature measured and handwashing with running water and soap provided.

In addition, preachers are required to wear protective face masks and masks and deliver sermons for a maximum of 15 minutes. "In their sermon, also delivered health protocols," said Reisa.

Organizers of Eid prayers must also select congregants based on the age range of 18 to 59 years to minimize the risk of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19.

"Also remember, it's not pilgrims who are at high risk and not those with comorbidities," he said.

Reisa also advised the Eid prayer committee to ensure that all congregants who attended were residents around the mosque and prayer rooms.

"It is not recommended for pregnant women and make sure, basically from residents who know what kind of movement it is, so it reduces the risk of carrying the virus from outside to inside", she said.

Reisa suggested that air circulation in places of worship should function optimally. How, by opening all windows and doors of mosques and prayer rooms.

"It is better to be equipped with 'air purifier' technology", she said.

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