
JAKARTA - Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Anwar Makarim said teachers are the main key in changing the education system in Indonesia.

"Thus, we can prepare a generation of highly competitive nations," he said in a webinar monitored in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Wednesday, July 14.

He also emphasized the importance of the habit of critical thinking as well as encouraging the community and educational institutions in an extraordinary way so that students can have critical thinking skills.

“We may not understand it because no one has ever explained it in a straightforward, clear, and simple way. That is also a very helpful thing. Simplification of the content to be really easy to understand," he added.

Nadiem also advised the teachers to put students and what students need first. This condition can be used as a basic principle in doing all things.

“Never believe people who tell you that we shouldn't take risks in education. There is no such thing as innovation or creativity without taking risks, without trying new things. Teachers across Indonesia must be among the greatest innovators. He has to keep trying new things, learning new things, trying new technologies to keep finding the right recipe for his students," he said.

He also asked the teachers to always make sure that not all students are the same, but all have differences. For that, he said, it is necessary to try new things, both for teachers and students.

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