
West Java International Airport (BIJB) Kertajati still found a number of items that were not allowed to be brought to the cabin of prospective pilgrims who would go to the Holy Land.

West Java International Airport (BIJB) Executive General Manager (EGM) Nuril Huda said, due to the confiscation of prohibited goods, the boarding process was hampered.

"We are still finding items that are not allowed to be brought into the cabin, and this hampers flights," he said when contacted, Wednesday, June 7, by Antara.

He said BIJB Kertajati officers still found many items that were not feasible for prospective Indonesian pilgrims to carry in their departure in 2023.

The items that were eventually confiscated included scissors, nail cuttings, water exceeding 100 milliliters, power banks and others.

With the existence of luggage that is not allowed to enter the cabin, officers must dismantle it first so that it becomes an obstacle for prospective pilgrims who will enter the plane.

For this reason, Nuril appealed to all prospective pilgrims not to bring goods that were not allowed to be brought to the cabin when they were about to fly.

"We ask the Hajj officers to continue to disseminate information to prospective hajj candidates so that flights do not stall because of the calhaj suitcase that must be dismantled again," he said.

Nuril added that BIJB Kertajati in the 2023 Hajj season served 24 flying groups or groups from Cirebon, Indramayu, Majalengka, Kuningan, Sumedang, and Subang regencies/cities.

As of Wednesday, June 7, BIJB Kertajati had dispatched nine groups, and they were flown to Medina, because they entered the first wave.

"Meanwhile, batches 10 to 24 will enter the second wave, where prospective pilgrims will fly and land in Jeddah," he concluded.

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