
Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD is optimistic that the BLBI Task Force will be able to collect all state money borrowed by BLBI obligors/debtors worth IDR 110.4 trillion within five years.

Mahfud, who is also the Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Task Force for Handling State Collection Rights for the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Fund (BLBI Task Force), expressed his optimistic attitude reflecting on the achievements of the task force after working for approximately two years.

"(The working period of the BLBI Task Force) if it is extended for another five years, all (state money borrowed by BLBI obligors/debtors) can be obtained, because according to the Director General, teamwork like this is effective," said Mahfud MD, quoted by ANTARA Tuesday, June 6.

However, according to Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 6 of 2021 concerning the BLBI Task Force, the work period of the task force ends on December 31, 2023.

This year is the year the BLBI Task Force ends. On the other hand, there is actually still the potential for the return of state rights from obligors, debtors who have the ability to pay, and active business, but do not have the good faith to complete, including taking action to hide or move their assets. This condition certainly requires comprehensive handling and longer handling times," said Mahfud MD.

The request to extend the work period of the BLBI Task Force was previously conveyed by the Daily Chair of the BLBI Task Force Rionald Silaban at the handover ceremony for ex-BLBI assets in Jakarta, Tuesday. The same hope was also conveyed by the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Sri Mulyani Indrawati when she gave a speech at the handover ceremony.

Related to that, Mahfud gave a signal that the BLBI Task Force's tenure could be extended, although the task force had to complete their work first until the end of 2023, while waiting for the results of the evaluation of their performance.

"Even if it is extended, maybe until August (2024), because September, October, the process of replacing the new government has been extended," said Mahfud MD.

The BLBI Task Force from June 2021 to May 2023 managed to collect nearly 30 percent of the total state money borrowed by BLBI obligors/debtors, or around Rp30.66 trillion.

"Since the BLBI Task Force was effective in operating in 2021 until now, the acquisition of the Task Force has reached Rp30,659,140,833,166 (Rp30.66 trillion)," said Mahfud MD.

In detail, he continued, Rp1.1 trillion in cash (PNBP to the state treasury), confiscation and delivery of other collateral items and the delivery of asset guarantees of 1,784.34 hectares with an estimated value of Rp14.77 trillion, physical control of property assets covering an area of 1,862.91 hectares whose estimated value is equivalent to Rp9.278 trillion.

Then, the handover of assets to ministries/agencies (K/L) and regional governments covering an area of 278.6 hectares with an estimated value of IDR 3.07 trillion, and non-cash state capital participation (PMN) of 54 hectares with an estimated value of IDR 2.49 trillion.

According to Mahfud, this achievement was an extraordinary achievement of the BLBI Task Force, because when it was about to be formed there was a lot of pessimism that people around him said that collecting state money from obligors/debtors was not an easy matter.

"In my opinion, the achievement of the BLBI Task Force is extraordinary, because there is only 10 percent pessimistic. We have now received almost 30 percent with the remaining time of the next 6 months," said Mahfud MD.

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