JAKARTA - After successfully carrying out the first Mom's Gathering in April, now MAKUKU visited MAKUKU Community in the city of Surabaya on Saturday, June 3.
This time, MAKUKU held the MAKUKU Mom's Intimate Gathering with the theme Support and Optimize the Learning Stage of the Little One during the Golden Age'. This event was attended by Daniswari Hartika, M.Psi, Psychologists, Associate Psychologists from the Flower House, Novita Utomo, Product Manager of MAKUKU Indonesia, and 45 families of MAKUKU Community from Surabaya.
Daniswari Hartika, M.Psi, Psychologist, Associate Psychologist from Rumah Kembang, said that children during the golden age period, especially children who are actively learning to explore the surrounding environment, need support, both support from parents, from the environment to their comfort.
"Imagine if the child is uncomfortable, how can he explore and learn? Therefore, make sure the child's comfort is by choosing thin and anti-gumpal diapers, so that children can freely explore the surrounding environment. I support educational activities that are right on target, as did MAKUKU today at the "MAKU Mom's Intimate Gathering" event," said Daniswari, quoted Tuesday, June 6.
Novita Utomo, Producer Manager of MAKUKU, said that the 45 families who attended the MAKUKU Mom's Intimate Gathering were part of more than 3,000 mothers from various regions in Indonesia who were members of the MAKUKU Community. In accordance with MAKUKU's commitment to always accompany Mother during her growth period, MAKUKU is not only trying to present quality products.
"For 2 years in Indonesia, MAKUKU has also continued to work with doctors, midwives, hospitals, and other experts to educate your Little One's health. MAKUKU has also held many talk shows with experts via ig live, webinars or live TikTok. In fact, MAKUKU has also held free WhatsApp Lectures and Private Consultations programs both online and offline for Mothers who want to continue to provide proper treatment for Your Little One," explained Novita.
Mom Sherly, one of the mothers of MAKUKU Community Surabaya, shared her experience. He admitted that he was happy that MAKUKU was present in Surabaya.
"In addition to being able to meet and greet other mothers, I also get a lot of information to support the development of your little one. My son has been using MAKUKU since the newborn. Until now, he is not disappointed with the high quality of his absorption power and the ingredients are super gentle and comfortable for the baby. Because I want the best for your little one, I still use MAKUKU and join the MAKUKU Community," said Sherly.
As a pioneer diapers for the SAP era in Indonesia, MAKUKU continues to innovate to present quality product products so that the growth and development of small ones is more optimal. Now, MAKUKU has 6 variants of the diapers with super thin SAP core technology, absorption and anti-gumpal.
The advantage of the core technology of the MAKUKU SAP structure lies in the absorber core. The essence of the MAKUKU diapers absorber does not have pulp or fluff so that it is anti gumpal and does not cause reverse osmosis that irritates the skin. With SAP core technology, the risk of a diapers rash in your Little One can also be minimized so that the baby's learning process in the golden agent phase is not disturbed.
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