The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has detained three of the seven suspects in the alleged bribery case of buying and selling positions within the Pemalang Regency Government, Central Java, involving former Pemalang Regent Mukti Agung Wibowo (MAW).
The three suspects are the Head of the Pemalang Regency Education and Culture Office Abdul Rachman (AR), the Head of the Pemalang Regency Regional Revenue Management Agency Mubarak Ahmad (MA) and the Head of the Village Community Empowerment Service and Pemalang Regency Government Suhirman (SR).
"For the purposes of the investigation process, the investigative team detained suspects MA, AR and SR for each of them for the first 20 days, starting from June 5, 2023 to June 24, 2023 at the KPK Detention Center at the Merah Putih building," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri as reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 5.
Meanwhile, four other suspects who have not been detained are the Secretary of the Pemalang Regency DPRD Sodik Ismanto (SI), the Head of the Pemalang Regency Housing and Settlement Service Moh. Ramdon (MR), the Head of the National Unity and Political Agency of Pemalang Regency Bambang Haryono (BH) and the Head of the Environment Service of Pemalang Raharjo Regency.
Ali explained that the series of cases began when the former Pemalang Regent for the period 2021-2026 Mukti Agung Wibowo would make changes to composition and rotation at several levels of office in the Pemalang Regency Government.
Mukti then entrusted PD Aneka Usaha Commissioner Adi Jumal Widodo to manage project arrangements including regulating the rotation, transfer and promotion of ASN in Pemalang Regency Government.
Mukti then ordered the Pemalang Regency Regional Personnel Agency to open an open selection for echelon IV, echelon III and echelon II positions.
There are several positions conditioned for ASN who wish to occupy echelon IV, echelon III and echelon II positions with varying tariff ranges ranging from Rp. 15 million to Rp. 100 million.
Suspects AR, MA, SR, SI, MR, BH each gave Rp. 100 million, while RH gave Rp. 50 million to take part in the selection of echelon II positions as offered by Adi Jumal Widodo so that he can pass.
The handover of money was made in cash at Adi Jumal Widodo's office and is always informed to Mukti Agung Wibowo.
With the handover of the money, AR, MA, SR, SI, MR, BH and RH were then declared to have passed and held echelon II positions.
The money collected amounted to around Rp. 650 million and was later termed the 'power of gratitude' and was then used by Adi Jumal Widodo to finance various needs of Mukti Agung Wibowo, including to support the activities of the PPP congress in Makassar in 2022.
For their actions, the suspects were charged with Article 5 paragraph (1) letter a or Article 5 paragraph (1) letter b or Article 13 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code.
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