JAKARTA - An FBI file relating to the visit of the late Queen Elizabeth II to the United States four decades ago, revealed that there was a plan to assassinate the leader of the British Monarchy.
The document, which is available in the FBI's online vault, outlines what appears to be intelligence provided to federal agents about threats to the Queen's life in California 40 years ago.
The Queen and her husband, the late Duke of Edinburgh Prince Philip, paid official visits to the west coast of America in February and March 1983.
The file stated a phone call was made by "a man who claimed his daughter had been killed in Northern Ireland by a rubber bullet".
"This man also claimed that he would try to harm Queen Elizabeth II and would do this by dropping an object from the Golden Gate Bridge onto the royal yacht Britannia, while it was sailing under her, or would try to kill Queen Elizabeth while she was visiting the National Parks. Yosemite," the document added, reported The National News, May 26.
The file references an officer who frequented an Irish pub in San Francisco, alerting federal agents about a call from a man he met at the venue.
In response to the threat, the Secret Service had planned to "close the walkways on the Golden Gate Bridge as cruise ships approach". It's not clear what action was taken at Yosemite, but the visit went ahead. No details of the arrests were made public by the FBI.

Another document, among more than 100 pages published by the FBI online, this time relating to the Queen's state visit to the US in 1991, expressed fears that Irish groups were planning to protest her attendance at baseball games as well as White House events.
The information comes from the Philadelphia Irish newspaper entitled 'Irish Edition'.
"The article states that anti-British feelings have been heightened as a result of the well-publicized injustices inflicted on the Birmingham Six by the UK's corrupt justice system, and the recent brutal killings of unarmed Irish nationalists in the six counties. by a loyalist death squad," the document stated, referring to six people falsely accused in a 1974 pub bombing.
"While the article does not contain threats against the president or queen, it can be viewed as inflammatory statements."
"The article states an Irish group has booked a large number of main stand tickets."
A separate file among the documents, dated 1989, indicated that while the FBI was not aware of any specific threats to the queen, "the possible threat to the British monarchy has always been from the Irish Republican Army (IRA)".
Queen Elizabeth II's cousin Lord Mountbatten was killed in an IRA bombing off the coast of County Sligo, Republic of Ireland, in 1979.
It continued that "Boston and New York are asked to remain vigilant against any threat to Queen Elizabeth II from the IRA members and promptly provide the same to Louisville," in Kentucky.
The bureau told NBC News there may be "additional notes" in existence besides those released this week, but did not set a timetable for their publication.
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