
The Deputy Mayor of Palu, Reny A Lamadjido, reminded the importance of disaster mitigation and the implementation of the simulation to prevent the severe impact of natural disasters in Palu.

The area in Central Sulawesi (Central Sulawesi) is known to have been hit by a magnitude 7.4 earthquake and a powerful tsunami five years ago. "Independent mitigation is necessary, each individual has at least knowledge of mitigation. The September 28, 2018 disaster must be used as a lesson to improve preparedness," Reny said in Palu, Thursday, May 25, confiscated by Antara.

Speaking of national disaster preparedness day, Reny admitted, Palu is one of the areas in Central Sulawesi prone to natural disasters. Therefore, he continued, the community is expected to have qualified knowledge about disasters. This effort was carried out to reduce the risk of casualties. Reflecting on the experience of the M 7.4 earthquake which resulted in a tsunami, residents need to strengthen their preparedness for certain conditions. "The day of preparedness of the national disaster is the momentum to strengthen the mitigation foundation," he said. Currently, the Palu City Government has carried out various disaster strengthening, ranging from increased human resources (HR), infrastructure improvement, to establishing disaster-resilient environments by involving institutions, communities and residents.

In addition, there is also the preparation of an earthquake and tsunami contingency plan which will then become a reference for the government in implementing regulatory efforts. In terms of policy, the Palu City Government has also included mitigation elements in planning city development to be sensitive to disaster issues in order to reduce the risk impact. "This policy is regulated in the regional spatial planning (RTRW) and spatial planning (RDTR) for urban area development as outlined in the Palu City medium-term development plan (RPJMD)," he said. As the vision of the Palu City Government, namely building a self-contained, safe, resilient and professional Palu City in the context of sustainable development based on local and religious wisdom. "planned development based on disaster risk must be obeyed by developers, and buildings built must be in accordance with disaster security and resilience," he concluded.

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