TULUNGAGUNG - Polres Tulungagung, East Java canceled the regional silat competition following a brawl between martial arts schools that caused damage to village assets, police cars and dozens of houses in Sambitan Village, Pakel District.
"All activities related to silat colleges are prohibited, including the Cup Regent's silat competition," said Head of Intelligence and Security at the Tulungagung Police, AKP Huwahila Wahyun Yuha, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 23.
The decision was taken into consideration by kamtibmas. The post-corruption situation between martial arts that occurred on Thursday (18/5) was considered not conducive.
Intelligence reports, there is still potential for further friction due to clashes that occurred some time ago leaving revenge in each camp. It was on this consideration that the competition was postponed.
Because if forced to be held, it is feared that it will trigger clashes between groups and could spread further.
"The Regent Cup's activities have been postponed, until an undetermined deadline," he said.
Secretary of the Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (IPSI) of Tulungagung Regency Khoirul Huda said this cancellation or delay was a loss for efforts to develop silat sports in Tulungagung.
Many athletes really want to galvanize their talents and compete from the regional level to be hampered.
"Fortunately, if practice is still allowed," said Huda.
He said the Regent Cup silat competition is scheduled to be held on 29-31 May 2023.
Registration for athletes who will compete has been opened and will be closed on May 26, 2023.
As a result of the postponement of the competition, his party is currently coordinating with the heads of each silat college.
Huda said the notification of delays was made until an undetermined time limit.
"Anyway, until Tulungagung's condition is completely safe," he said.
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