North Jakarta Mayor Ali Maulana Hakim said not all shophouses had been declared to have eaten road bodies in the Pluit area, North Jakarta, which had not been dismantled.
In fact, today is the last deadline the government has given to shophouse owners to dismantle the area of the building that violates it, before the authorities dismantle the building directly tomorrow.
"There are 3 shophouses that are being demolished. On that road, a total of 42 (ruko eating a road). Then only 1 has been dismantled," Ali told reporters, Tuesday, May 23.
When confirmed to the shop owners, Ali continued, they reasoned that they had not dismantled the building because they had not yet received workers who could carry out the demolition.
"Those who have found the handymen are 3 shophouses, they dismantled them themselves so that their belongings are still good (when dismantled). Others want to dismantle it too, only information from the sub-district head that they have not been able to get a handyman," Ali explained.
Ali said that his party was still giving shophouse owners the opportunity to demolish their buildings until tonight.
"Tomorrow if there are still those who have not dismantled, we will dismantle them. But we want them to be able to continue to dismantle them later," he said.
Previously, the acting (Pj) Governor of DKI Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono, asked shop house owners (ruko) in Pluit, North Jakarta to demolish their buildings independently if found guilty.
"I hope they dismantle it themselves," Heru said on Friday, May 19.
This incident received attention after the Head of RT 011/RW 03 Pluit Riang Prasetya questioned the existence of a shophouse building because it occupied the Jalan Niaga, Penjaringan area, North Jakarta, which was originally intended intended for social and public facilities (fasos and fasum).
The total number of shophouses in Pluit, Penjaringan, North Jakarta, questioned by the Head of the RT amounted to 42 units. The shophouses are located in Block Z4 Utara and Block Z8 Selatan.
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