
The Special Criminal Investigation Team (Pidsus) of the South Sulawesi High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) has named five suspects in the alleged corruption case of credit misuse of KUR Kupedes Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Mappasaile Unit, Pangkajene Islands (Pangkep) since 2018-2021.

"Investigators have raised the status of five witnesses, namely two men and three women who are suspects in a case of alleged corruption in the provision of KUR credit facilities or the BRI Kupedes," said Assistant for Special Crimes at the South Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office Yudiwidi reported by ANTARA, Monday, May 22.

The suspects, said Yudi, were a man with the initials FF as a mantri or BRI micro marketing worker who had banking authority, including approving credit.

Furthermore, the man with the initials H and the woman with the initials MS, SM, and S acted respectively as search brokers for people who would be given credit. Determination of the five suspects, he said, after investigators obtained at least two valid pieces of evidence as stipulated in article 184 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code.

After being determined, the suspects underwent a health check by the Makassar Health Office and were declared in good health and not in a state of COVID-19. "Based on a detention order from the Head of the South Sulawesi High Prosecutor's Office, there were two types of detentions for 20 days from May 22 to June 10, 2023. Two male suspects were detained in Makassar Class I Prison, three female suspects were detained at the Makassar Class I Detention Center," Yudi told reporters. FF suspect as the mantri has abused the authority as Marketing, Relationship Manager (RM) of funds at BRI Unit Mappasail Pangkep together with other suspects causing Bank BRI to suffer losses due to misuse of 52 debtors amounting to more than Rp1.5 billion, as reported by the Audit Audit Team of BRI Unit Mappasaile in 2023. The mode carried out by the suspect since 2018-2021, said Yudi, suspect FF as the mantri received credit applications through suspect H who was tasked with finding customers who applied credit using other people's names, then easily processed by suspect FF. "Other suspects visit residents or close relatives to be willing to apply for credit to BRI in exchange for money or receipt if the credit is liquid and promise not to be charged with installments for the credit collection," he said.

In addition, the suspect prepared a credit application document for a prospective debtor who was willing to be appointed or toped (a banking term) including preparing a business profile, a residence and giving directions if there was a question from BRI officers during a field survey. Suspect H also accompanied FF during a survey of the location of the debtor previously regulated.

Setelah kredit diputus oleh kepala unit, calon debitur akan dihubungi dan diminta mendatangi BRIunit untuk melakukan pembukaan rekening simpanan dan akad kredit dengan didampingi oleh calo. Setelah pencairan kredit, nasabah melakukan penarikan tunai atau melakukan penarikan agen BRIink yang ditunjuk oleh calo."Nasabah ini akan diberi imbalan antara Rp1 juta sampai Rp2 juta, selanjutnya uang tunai, buku tabungan dan ATM diserahkan kembali ke para calo tersebut, yang kini telah ditetapkan sebagai tersangka," tutur Yudi..Para tersangka dikenakan pasal 2 ayat (1) dan 3 Juncto pasal 18 Undang-Undang Nomor 31 tahun 1999 tentang pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi ,pasal 55 ayat (1) ke-1 KUHP, sebagaimana diubah dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 20 tahun 2001 tentang pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi.

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