
Toba Police Narcotics Unit personnel arrested three users of methamphetamine at a cafe on Jalan Bypass Hutabulu Majen, Balige, Toba Regency, North Sumatra.

The three drug users, namely JFP (34) a resident of Laguboti, MLP (36) a resident of Porsea and CH (36) a resident of Balige.

"The three drug users were arrested by officers at a cafe in Balige, Thursday (4/5) at around 15.30 WIB," said Head of Public Relations of the Toba Police, AKP Bungaran Samosir, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, May 6.

Bungaran said the arrests were made, with information from the public received by the Toba Police Narcotics Unit.

Then, members of the Narcotics Sat Opsnal immediately conducted an investigation around the crime scene (TKP), which was the Gerebek Kampung Narkoba (GKN).

"Officers found three people in the cafe who were busy using methamphetamine," he said.

From the results of the examination at the crime scene, evidence was found of a small package/plastic clip containing methamphetamine, and a used pirex glass containing a clot suspected of being methamphetamine.

Then, a bong made of drinking water plastic bottles, a blue mancis which is connected to one needle.

"All the evidence found at the crime scene was acknowledged by the perpetrator that the package/plastic clip containing the methamphetamine would be used together in the room," he explained.

Furthermore, the three perpetrators were taken to the Toba Police Headquarters along with evidence for further investigation.

"The three suspects were charged with Article 112 paragraph (2) Subs Article 114 paragraph (2) of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics with a minimum penalty of 5 years in prison and a maximum of 20 years in prison," said Head of Public Relations of the Toba Police.

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