
NTB - The District Attorney (Kejari) has carried out a case of alleged corruption in the misappropriation of local government capital investment funds at the Regional Public Company (Perusda) of West Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

Head of the Special Crimes Section of the West Sumbawa Kejari Lalu Irwan Suyadi said that the case title with the NTB Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) was part of the investigators' efforts to trace state losses.

"So, the case title with BPKP is only limited to notification for audit requests, for more details later we will officially write," said Irwan by telephone, Wednesday, May 3, as quoted by Antara.

In an official audit request letter, the prosecutor's office will also attach documents related to budget management. The document was obtained from the results of the examination of witnesses.

Following up on the official audit request, BPKP will form an audit team for state losses. Prior to the audit, Irwan confirmed that there would be a follow-up case title at BPKP.

In handling this case, investigators have examined 13 witnesses. The witnesses consist of Perusda management, local governments as capital givers and private parties who manage capital.

The West Sumbawa Kejari also determined that this case entered the investigation stage by pocketing a potential loss of IDR 3 billion. This potential appears in the management of capital participation for the period 2016 to 2021.

Kejari Sumbawa Barat meningkatkan status penanganan ke tahap penyidikan ini berdasarkan hasil gelar perkara pada Kamis 30 Maret.

This investigation leads to alleged violations of Article 2 paragraph (1) and/or Article 3 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code jo. Article 64 of the Criminal Code.

The alleged article relates to allegations of abuse of capital participation in Perusda West Sumbawa.

During the 2016 to 2021 period of management, Perusda was recorded to have received a budget of IDR 7.2 billion. There is a distribution of profits regulated in the capital participation.

However, in that 6-year period, Perusda was recorded as only able to share a profit with local governments of Rp. 386 million. This nominal is far from the rules of the agreement in capital participation.

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