
KALTENG - Students of SMAN 1 Pujon, Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan (Kalteng), a ceremony to commemorate National Education Day (Hardiknas), in the middle of its flooded school field.

"We ask students to remain enthusiastic about carrying out their duties, even though the school grounds are flooded with water," said the head of SMAN 1 Pujon, Doys Mihing, Tuesday, May 2, confiscated by Antara.

According to him, the Hardiknas commemoration ceremony was held as a form of concern over the current conditions. However, after the SMAN 1 Pujon ceremony, he continued to carry out the teaching and learning process properly.

"This is an act of concern from the government that has not been able to take quick action against conditions from flood-prone areas," he said.

Due to this condition, his party has proposed several times to both district and provincial governments to deal with floods that have occurred twice in this one year. Even in the Development Planning Deliberation (Musrenbang) it has also been submitted so that it can be handled quickly so that schools do not flood again.

"Yesterday there was a flood that was almost two meters away a few months ago. It did not recede because the water could not come out, which we conveyed during the Musrenbang, so that during extracurricular activities or apples it was like that in the end," complained Doys.

He said that the flood that inundated the school grounds had occurred since last night and until now. The teaching and learning process at the school is still being carried out, because water does not enter the classroom, and only inundates access to the school.

"We hope that with the current conditions, countermeasures will be taken so that the floods that hit every year in the local area do not submerge residential areas and public facilities in the local area for too long," he said.

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