Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo and PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimoeljono worked together around the rest area on the Batang-Semarang Toll Road, Tuesday 18 April. In addition to sharing happiness with travelers and the surrounding community, both of them also monitor the flow of homecoming along the Jakarta-Semarang Toll Road. There are two rest areas where Ganjar and Basuki are submerged. First, at the KM 379A Travoy Rest Area Batang-Semarang Toll Road. Second, the KM 389B Toll Road Travoy Rest Area Semarang-Batang. In those two places, Ganjar and Basuki greeted and shared takjil with the travelers who rested in that place. "Two days I took off my homecoming. Today there are three trips, including those from the buses that have arrived here. Some have even arrived at the location," said Ganjar when met at the Rest Area Travoy KM 379A Batang-Semarang. Ganjar explained that preparations for this year's homecoming had been prepared long ago, both by the central government, local government, police, and other stakeholders. The preparation is part of the government's efforts to provide the best service for the community. "This is our way of serving the community so that they can be safe and memorable. The impression depends on the services of all of us. The rest area is clean or not, the toilets are sufficient and clean or not, then the MSMEs can sell merchandise that really reflects the locality including prices that cannot be dredged," he explained. Regarding road lanes or infrastructure. Ganjar thank you to the Ministry of PUPR for speeding to clean up the work that must be completed. For example, damaged roads and bridges. Even up to D-10, all work has been completed. On that occasion, Ganjar and Basuki also provide compensation to orphans around the rest area. "When we have sustenance or THR, there are people there who need help, there are things that need to be obeyed. Infaq and shodaqoh can also be given so that everyone can be happy," he said.PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said this homecoming is the most happiness. Because, there is no happiness that exceeds the happiness that people can go home. For this reason, the services provided must be good. "We have to serve everything well. Luckily for those who can still go home," he said. Basuki added, there are three things to make homecoming safe and memorable. First, infrastructure must be prepared, especially related to cleanliness and water needs. Second, related to regulations like this time it has been done is about the application of one way. "Third, user behavior. We all have to work with me (Kemen PUPR on infrastructure, police and regulatory relations, and users must also behave well. Don't let one way be opened but there are still those who fight to enter," he explained.
Basuki explained that currently there are 127 rest areas in Indonesia, namely in Sumatra and Java. The number in Java is even more than 90 places. Of the total rest area, also the addition of toilet capacity which was previously only 6,000 capacity, has now become 9,000 capacity. "We continue to add. But we also see post-homecoming how this rest area remains crowded," he said.
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