JAKARTA - Mental health is now a very crucial issue. Although the symptoms are rarely seen, this disease has a huge impact on a person's life. Someone whose mental health is disturbed is likely to experience a decrease in productivity so that the quality of life. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), here are the five main types of psychological disorders you need to know about.
An abbreviation of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a developmental disorder in motor activity that causes unusual attitudes and tends to be excessive. This disorder is usually characterized by excessive anxiety, unable to stay still, difficulty sitting still. Some other signs are temper tantrums, hyperactivity, and like to make a fuss.
In contrast to panic reactions that are usually caused by an event, this anxiety disorder usually occurs spontaneously without any obvious trigger. This disorder often occurs for no reason and can not be predicted. During this disorder, the sufferer cannot control his body and mind as if he was having a heart attack.
Usually characterized by extreme mood swings in the form of mania (happiness) and depression (sadness). The patient's mood can change drastically without a clear pattern or time.
This disorder causes feelings of sadness that last a long time and can affect how you feel, how you think, and behave. This sadness usually lasts long enough to often interfere with work or relationships such as family and relatives. In fact, not a few end up in death due to thoughts of suicide.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a panic attack that occurs due to past trauma such as accidents, rape, theft. Sufferers think about this traumatic event all the time so that it affects their life. Compared to other mental disorders, PTSD is the most common disorder that can be suffered by anyone, but women are the most vulnerable because they are considered more sensitive to change.
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