
YOGYAKARTA Not all allergies are experienced from childhood to adulthood. Some allergies such as eggs and milk can be overcome and lost by yourself when your baby grows up. However, allergies to peanuts and tree beans, may continue to adulthood. For allergic symptoms, very much ranging from mild to severe.

In some cases, a person can overcome food energy. But when experiencing it you have to contact an allergy expert. So what about food intolerance? Are the symptoms the same or different?

In certain cases, some people can experience allergies as well as intolerance alternately. Both are not the same thing. According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, food allergies involve the immune system. Meanwhile, intolerance is related to the digestive system.

Food tolerance occurs when the digestive system is unable to break certain foods. While food allergies can trigger life-threatening symptoms. Food tolerance does not threaten the soul and causes symptoms such as bloating, sluggish body, stomach pain, and diarrhea.

Food tolerance can occur due to a lack of enzymes and sensitivity to additional ingredients or natural chemicals in food. In contrast to food intolerance, allergies are a reaction of the immune system. For example, if you are allergic to cow's milk, your immune system identifies cow's milk as an allergen. Your immune system overreacts by producing Immunoglobulin E (IgE). These antibodies travel cells that release chemicals and cause allergic reactions.

Each type of IgE, can have certain 'radar' for each type of allergen. Generally, symptoms of allergic reactions to foods such as itching-gatal and swelling on the skin. While the symptoms of anaphylaxis, it is a serious allergic reaction and occurs very fast. Symptoms such as difficulty breathing, dizziness, and loss of consciousness.

Food allergies often develop in childhood and childhood. It is also possible to develop allergies at an adult age. Foods that can trigger allergies include eggs, milk, nuts, seafood such as fish and shells, walnuts, almonds, pistachio beans, macadamia, soybeans, wheat, and wijen. Marine foods and tree or peanuts are the most common foods that cause allergies to adults.

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