Sunday Market Manager Requires Merchants To Show Vaccine Cards

JAKARTA - The management of the South Jakarta Sunday Market requires all traders, shop employees, and visitors to show a COVID-19 vaccination card during the extension of PPKM Level 4 to August 2.

The manager of Perumda Pasar Jaya Area 12 Pasar Minggu, Yohanes Daramonsidi, said that traders or visitors who cannot show proof of the vaccine are not allowed to enter the market area.

"We have submitted a circular letter. Every manager, visitor and trader must have been vaccinated. Of course, its implementation will not be easy and we will carry out this as an absolute condition," said Yohanes as quoted by Antara, Monday, July 26.

Yohanes said that the obligation to show vaccine cards for both traders and visitors is a step to prevent the potential for COVID-19 transmission in the market environment.

Not only that, this policy is also a form of support for the government in helping the process of accelerating the COVID-19 vaccination movement which is targeted to be achieved next August.

"It must be admitted that at this time there are still some traders who are reluctant to use masks. But we always monitor and monitor. For those who violate we admonish them to use prokes. Hopefully this regulation will encourage them to follow the government's recommendations, including taking vaccines," said Yohanes .

Therefore, his party will also coordinate with the Satpol PP to discipline traders who do not comply with the rules that have been submitted.

"So, if we have been reprimanded 3 times, then the matter will be with friends from the Satpol PP to take action as to what will be done. Of course it must be according to the procedures from the government," said Yohanes emphasizing.

As for the adjustment of PPKM Level 4, the Sunday Market will start operating from 07.00 WIB to 15.00 WIB with a maximum capacity of 50 percent of visitors.