First COVID-19 Case In The 2020 Olympic Athlete Village

JAKARTA - Two athletes were the first to test positive for COVID-19. This fact came to light just days before the Olympics, which had been postponed by a year due to the pandemic.

The COVID-19 case will raise concerns over the Olympics, which has been met with opposition from the Japanese public who fear the multi-event sporting event will bring new cases to a country currently battling a spike in cases.

The daily number of new cases in Japan has increased with two athletes testing positive, Sunday, July 18. According to an AFP report, one of the athletes was in the Athlete Village. While the other is in another place.

They came the day after someone became the first case in the Olympic Athlete Village. The Athletes Village, consisting of an apartment complex and dining area, will house 6.700 athletes and officials at its peak when the 2020 Olympics kick off.

The Tokyo Olympics, which will be held largely behind closed doors to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, have met with resistance from Japanese citizens where surveys have been conducted publicly consistently shows a lack of support.

International Olympic Committee (IOC) president Thomas Bach on Saturday called on Japanese citizens to support the Games, saying he was "well aware of the skepticism" regarding the event.